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CHAPTER FIVEHow We Got HereWe have a flood of ideas and names for many
different kinds of human behavior, but much of what we do obeys certain
common rules of expansion and contraction. As I said, the rules do not come
from anywhere outside ourselves. If we conceive that we are equal beings,
then certain truths must follow about our relationships with each other. We
may call these truths the source of fairness and justice, but such names do
not matter. It's just the way it has to be if this universe of life is to
exist at all. It seems pointless to try to be convincing about this in words,
compared to what you will comprehend when you flash on this divine order and
justice for yourself when you are meditating or high on psychedelics. I can
offer only limited speculation on how these rules show up in our human
experience. The idea of equality has often been taken to mean dropping to the
lowest common denominator, or settling for the characterless common middle.
Equality as I am suggesting it is our coming together at the level of highest
awareness, pure space, without attachment or resistance, with complete
freedom of experience and consciousness, merging with others in whatever
ecstasy or calm we choose. In all the vibration levels less than the highest,
there are illusions of quantity and value, of greater and lesser love,
intelligence, and powers. We appear to each other according to the vibrations
we choose to emphasize, but we are equal in potential. If that's true, how did we get so deep into mass that physical
reality looks like the only reality? And that these comments on space sound
like a peculiar and unverifiable fantasy? As concerns verification, I believe
that the concept of equal entities can lead to a reintegration of currently
available data in physics, and that we may then extrapolate from that
information to describe the laws of our relations on a universal scale.
Meanwhile I must indulge in some rough guesswork about how we got to the mass
level in the first place. We can start with a paradox at the highest level: expanded beings,
completely unresisting, are also completely irresistible. Space beings are
entirely permissive to other beings, but when one of us contracts, he becomes
dense to the extent of his contraction, and is then in appearance propelled
by the space beings. The experience of being propelled and later compelled is
due entirely to the density of the contracted beings. Space beings have no
intention to propel or compel anyone to do anything. All conceivable universes in all conceivable dimensions exist in the
One Mind as pure idea or archetype. When any of us withdraws from a willingness
to create any aspect of that, we drop to a lower vibration level. For this
illustration, imagine we are a great number of energy beings who are
indifferent to the idea of Pluto the Dog. Since we are denser than space
beings, they would propel us, and we would appear in space as a flowing,
flashing image of Pluto the Dog, looking like a fireworks display, perhaps. Imagine, then, some of us, more than indifferent, who deny the
concept of Pluto the Dog, withdrawing to the mass level. Our mass, being even
denser than the energy, is compelled to take the form denied, and behold the
physical manifestation of Pluto the Dog. In this manner, what is denied on
the conceptual level, the space level, becomes manifest on the physical
plane. Of course, the truth is not quite that cut-and-dried, but it will
give you the idea. Space appears to propel energy, and energy appears to
compel matter. But these reactions cannot occur without the density of the
more withdrawn beings. By denying your capacity to create a concept, or by
denying someone else's freedom to do so, you drop to a vibration where not
only Pluto the Dog is evident, but a lot of other material forms also.
Denying the truth is what opens Pandora's box. You don't have to assume that you personally denied every miserable
thing that happens on earth: when you deny coffee you also become
compulsively involved with the reality of tea and cocoa. There was something
that freaked you, or more likely a whole series of ideas that you were
unwilling to conceive of or love, so that gradually your vibrations dropped
to a mass level, and you found yourself being a body. But there's nothing
holding you down to a mass level, regardless of all your experiences of being
pushed and pulled by other masses, by energy, and by space. It's your own
ignorance, your density, that makes it possible for you to be pushed. You
can't feel pain until you're stupid. Pain is the experience of not being able
to get into the same space with others. But all you need do to get free of pain, to get un-stupid, is to be willing
to be aware of anything that enters your consciousness. There are many events closer to earth in which we can see the
compulsion-by-denial process working. Of all the paradoxes with which we
struggle on the material level, the failure of good intentions is perhaps one
of the most baffling. Good people try to do good things and get bad results.
Peaceful youths are jailed, spiritual communes are attacked, and flower
children become bombers. Often in history spiritual revivals have been
followed by bloodshed and persecution. Perhaps we can now understand why these
things happen. What you cannot think about, you cannot control. What you cannot
conceive of in your awareness, you will stumble over in your path. Violent
human beings are precisely those who refuse at some time to conceive that
they could be violent. It also happens that if you are unwilling to conceive
of people being the victims of violence, you may become a victim yourself,
for you will not be sufficiently aware of how it happens to avoid it.
Everything that is manifest begins in the spirit: every evil that is manifest
to us is there because we refused to conceive of causing it, or denied
someone else the freedom to conceive of it. The way out, as hard as it may be
to believe, is not by resisting further, by moving the furniture around, but
by being willing to conceive of it—by loving it, in short. As we should have
done in the first place. Unfortunately, most people with good intentions are trying to deny or
eliminate what is already manifest. And many spiritual revivals are a deeper
denial of the facts of our vibration level. What can we do about evil? A great deal, if our heads are clear. My
catch-all phrase is: "I wouldn't deny that experience to the One
Mind." Once you have cleared your head on the matter, then do whatever feels
right to you. Evil occurs as a secondary reality, after you have withdrawn to
a low vibration level. The seduction of evil is precisely in that it involves
us in trying to eliminate it. When your consciousness is open, any action you take in reference to
evil has no more significance than digging a ditch to channel floodwaters
away from a house. By all means, go to the doctor when you are sick; disable
someone trying to hurt you; ask unpleasant people to leave your house; start
a revolution: just keep your awareness open all the while, and know that your
evil has manifested itself in your life because of your lack of love. The
true enemy, if there is one, is in yourself, in your failure to love enough.
But there is no moral judgment in our involvement with evil. If you refuse to
admit that auto-mobiles exist, you're going to get hit by cars, not because
you are sinful or neurotic, but just because you are not looking at
automobiles. You won't see them coming. Some people think that "thoughts are things" and that you
must avoid negative thoughts or they will happen. As we have seen earlier,
thoughts are certainly powerful when conceived by expanded beings. But trying
to withdraw from thoughts is what got us incarnated on a mass level in the
first place. If you avoid negative thoughts, they will sooner or later
manifest themselves physically. It is your resistance to the negative
thought, whether you bring it to consciousness or not, that makes it manifest
in your life. What am I doing on a level of consciousness where
this is real? That is the first
question to ask yourself when you become aware of something ugly or evil or
stupid. We are always in a context of our equals, and the justice of love is
always perfect. The universe is an infinite tapestry of perfectly ordered
love relationships, and when you are loving enough, you rise. It's not even a
matter of waiting until your lifetime is over. Your movement as a being is
not horizontal through time, so to speak. All states of consciousness are
available right now. Every possibility in the past and future exists
timelessly, it's always there, and you activate your level of reality by your
own vibrations. There is a jewel of perfect ecstasy of being who you are. You are at
the level of consciousness that has the greatest pleasure and ecstasy you are
capable of accepting. Regardless of what I tell myself, or what I have at
times experienced, my greatest pleasure right now is to be penniless in a
room in San Francisco writing this book. Try these sayings during
meditation: I surrender to this reality. I have no resistance to this
reality. I am one with this reality. I surrender to the justice of our
equality. I have no resistance to the justice of our equality. I am one with
the justice of our equality. [ Contents | Next Chapter ] home | the leisure party | top of page Last updated: 16th Feb
2005 |